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Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM)

Serving at the altar is a great way to become more involved in our church community. LEMs are laity who assist the celebrant in administering the consecrated elements at a celebration of the Eucharist. You are encouraged and welcome to join in this important ministry. Please contact the Parish Office 908.766.2282 or email


At St. John’s, our Lector team serves a key role at every Sunday Eucharist. A Lector is the lay person who reads the Lessons or leads the Prayers of the People. Lay persons served as readers from the earliest days of the Church - the term is from the Latin, “to read.” This is a wonderful service tradition and if you want to learn more on how to participate, contact the Parish Office 908.766.2282 or email


Ushers play an important role in providing a warm welcome to SJOTM. Responsibilities include greeting visitors as they arrive, distributing the Order of Service, helping newcomers find their way around the church, and inviting them to coffee hour after the service. Ushers also collect the offerings and guide individuals to the altar rail during Communion. After the service, ushers put the hymnals and Books of Common Prayer in order, collect discarded materials, and ensure that the church is left in good condition for the next service.


If you would like to learn more about this vital ministry, please contact the Parish office 908.766.2282 or email

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