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All inquires for special services may be made through the Parish office: (908)


Baptism is the sacrament by which we become members of Body of Christ, the Church and ultimately the Kingdom of God. It confers full membership in the Church, including participation in the Holy Eucharist. Candidates are sponsored by parents and godparents, or in the case of an adult, by a family member or friend. At St John’s, the Baptismal candidate is  always supported and welcomed to the Church by the presence of our community of faith. Therefore, we baptize primarily on those dates set aside for baptism, as listed in the Book of Common Prayer (All Saint's Day, the Baptism of Our Lord, Easter, and Pentecost). Please feel free to contact us for more information and specific dates. 


The celebration and blessing of a marriage is always a special and much anticipated occasion. The people and clergy of St John’s are happy that you are considering our Church for your wedding. St John on the Mountain offers a spiritual and serene space in which to seek God’s blessing and exchange vows. Since our founding in 1907, St. John’s has been honored to bless the many couples who have come to this sacred and bucolic site to mark the beginning of their lives together.


You are welcome to consider having your wedding either in the Church or our historic Chapel, or hosting your reception in our beautiful Parish Hall.


Christian burial is the solemn, yet joyful liturgy during which we give thanks to God for the life of a loved one and for the hope of Resurrection, given to us in Baptism. Through Jesus’s sacrifice on the Cross and Resurrection, we, too, shall be raised.


Clergy and dedicated laity are available for pastoral care and planning for the liturgy, funeral and interment. Loved ones may also be memorialized through a service, Altar Flowers, or the music programs of All Saint’s Day, Christmas, and Easter.

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